Moderat de amb13, fishy86, gavrisan lucian, r16r1150, vranceanu, vwtyp3variant
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Din: Cluj
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 491
Trebuia sa fie o masina revolutionara dpdv tehnologic (teoretic putea functioana pentru 100000 km fara a realimenta ) w
Modificat de motanualb (acum 12 ani)
_______________________________________ I don't mind dust , I do mind rust!
pus acum 12 ani
Membru Senior
Din: Heerbrugg-Zalau
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 1049
Pana la urma, nu am gasit motivul real, de ce nu a intrat in productie.... banuiesc pretul...
Highway Aircraft Corporation, si cred ca Fascination era numele projectului (si a masinii), un project de Paul M. Lewis Uimitor cat de putina informatie e pe web despra aceasta masina, special considerand cat de revolutionara era
pus acum 12 ani
Membru Senior
Din: Cluj
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 491
Cam asta ii tot - FASCINATION - An amazingly practical "Space Car"
This was Paul M. Lewis second car creation: "Highway Aircraft Corporation" (Sidney, Nebraska) unveiled "Tomorrow’s Car Today": the Fascination., which nearly revolutionized car design at the time. This sleek, jet-tube-fendered three-wheeler even today looks very futuristic. "First, let’s look under the hood (presuming it has one, somewhere). While the Fascination’s standard engine is an aluminum, fuel-injected four-cylinder, a new type of energy source is touted as the vehicle’s soon-to-come power drive: the Nobel Gas Plasma Engine. "This engine is a closed two-cycle reciprocating engine that has no intake, uses no air, emitting no exhaust at all! The fuel is self-contained and hermetically sealed in the cylinders which are initially charged at the time of manufacturing, carrying their own power supply that will last approximately 60 to 75 thousand miles with no fall of efficiency."
An environmentally safe engine that doesn’t need refueling for 60,000 miles - why haven’t we heard of this miracle power source? (!!!!!!!!!!!!GM or Ford obviously must have sent out their minions to squelch such a potentially damaging competitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.)" "And although you may think that a three-wheeled craft may be more prone to rollover (the main reason why three-wheeled ATVs were banned), the brochure lays this assumption to rest: "We can approach crossroads at 40 mph and without taking our foot off the throttle, turn the corner at full speed. The car does not roll."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the annals of revolutionary car designers, a number of names come to mind: Harley Earl, Preston Tucker, Dr. Ferdinand Porsche, the Highway Aircraft Corporation…
Eh? Who was that last one? Well, this Sidney, Neb. company nearly revolutionized car design, anyway. In this brochure from the early '70s, Highway Aircraft unveils "Tomorrow’s Car Today"–the Fascination. And had the sleek, jet-tube-fendered three-wheeler been built to the specs listed inside, it certainly would have been a vehicle from some far-off future.
First, let’s look under the hood (presuming it has one, somewhere). While the Fascination’s standard engine is an aluminum, fuel-injected four-cylinder, a new type of energy source is touted as the vehicle’s soon-to-come power drive: the Nobel Gas Plasma Engine. "This engine is a closed two-cycle reciprocating engine that has no intake, uses no air, emitting no exhaust at all… The fuel is self-contained and hermetically sealed in the cylinders which are initially charged at the time of manufacturing, carrying their own power supply that will last approximately 60 to 75 thousand miles with no fall of efficiency." An environmentally safe engine that doesn’t need refueling for 60,000 miles–why haven’t we heard of this miracle power source? (GM or Ford obviously must have sent out their minions to squelch such a potentially damaging competitor.)
Other futuristic features include tubular steel roll bars to protect passengers from collision, three-point road contact that "distributes the weight evenly with no help from the suspension system," a curved, impact-absorbing front bumper that reduces front end collisions into "glancing blows," and an overall streamlined design that eliminates wind resistance–"Lack of bug stains on the windshield is evidence of the functional design of the Fascination." And although you may think that a three-wheeled craft may be more prone to rollover (the main reason why three-wheeled ATVs were banned), the brochure lays this assumption to rest: "We can approach crossroads at 40 mph and without taking our foot off the throttle, turn the corner at full speed. The car does not roll."
For all its technical features, the sales brochure admits that the Fascination’s most exciting aspect is its looks, assuring potential salesmen that the car’s "appearance is probably the very greatest advantage. The car is so designed and so well built that it attracts the eye and when demonstrated it will sell itself."
For more information on the Fascination, read this personal account in our Viewer Mail department.
–Coury Turczyn
Modificat de motanualb (acum 12 ani)
_______________________________________ I don't mind dust , I do mind rust!
pus acum 12 ani
Membru Senior
Din: Heerbrugg-Zalau
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 1049
am gasit aceeasi material, dar asta lasa multe semne de intrebare...
pus acum 12 ani
Membru Senior
Din: Cluj
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 491
"cireasa de pe tort " cel care stia cele mai multe legat de acest tip de motor ne-a parasit in 1989.In clip se spune ca functiona p aprox 7000 de ore ( un an are aprox 8700 ore)
Un comentariu mai interesant The Papp Engine is cover by U.S. Patent 4, 428,193 issued Jan. 31, 1984 now expired and thus in the public domain. The full specification including the gas composition to the tenth of a percent is specified. Anyone can now make and use it for FREE. The fact that no one has leads to its speculative nature
_______________________________________ I don't mind dust , I do mind rust!
pus acum 12 ani
Membru Senior
Din: Bacau
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 223
Motorul asta are doua variante: 1. Este o farsa, o concept car care a fost scoasa de frumusete, si ca sa-i dea un pic de mister au scos ideea cu motoru cu plasma lu peste. 2. La fel ca si motorul electric creat in anii '30 de un refugiat german in America, a fost o inventie geniala care nu va avea nici o sansa de a fi exploatat pentru inca vreo 100 de ani cat mai avem combustibili fosili. Voi chiar puteti crede ca un motor care se poate autosustine un an de functionare fara alimentare, ar vedea lumina zilei intr-o economie mondiala in care petrolul si industria extractila de combustibili fosili reprezinta aprox 30 %? Hai sa fim seriosi. Pacat de mintea omului daca chiar a inventat ceva atat de incredibil si care, pana la urma ne-ar salva de la a ne praji in case din cauzxa co2 - ului... Da ' gata c-o dau in offtotic si stric postul. Numai bine.
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